After teaching English for 20 years, I have learned a lot of important things. Here are 5 of the most significant things that have stuck with me:

1- The Importance of Flexibility in Teaching

Being flexible is more important than I could’ve ever imagined. Nowadays, I’m far more flexible than I used to be. I’ve learned that teaching requires the ability to adapt to different situations, and after many years I have finally become more comfortable with this. My experience has shown me that if I were to become a good teacher, I would have to be open to new approaches and be able to quickly adapt my teaching style to fit the needs of my students.

2- Embracing Imperfection

I’m a lot more forgiving of myself when I make mistakes. We all know that “nobody is perfect”, and after 20 years of teaching, I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes. But I have learned to recognize that mistakes are simply a part of the learning process. Funnily enough, that’s what we keep telling students, isn’t it? Mistakes are opportunities to learn. So, I’d better walk the talk.

3- The Value of Seeking Support

I ask for help when I need it. Teaching can be a very, very challenging job, and it’s important to recognize when we need support. Over the years, I have learned to be more comfortable reaching out to colleagues and mentors when I need help or advice. To be honest, this is a lesson I wish I had learned much sooner.

4- The Joy of Lifelong Learning

I will never stop learning, and I love it! Teaching is a profession that requires ongoing learning and development, and I have embraced this as a lifelong goal. I am always looking for new ways to improve my practice and stay current in the field.

5- The Privilege of Making a Difference

Last but not least, I feel immensely privileged to do the job I do. Teaching is a rewarding and fulfilling career, and I am grateful to be able to make a positive impact on the lives of teachers and students.

My 20 years of teaching have been a journey of growth and learning. I am grateful for all of the experiences and lessons that I have learned along the way, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

#20years #elt #englishteaching